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  • Can I Use My NELC Library Card in The Gingerbread House Library?
    The short answer is 'No'. We are no longer part of the North East Lincolnshire library system (only Grimsby Central, Cleethorpes, Immingham and Waltham libraries are still part of that) and we are unable to accept their cards or to accept their books for return. We are also unable to reserve their books for our readers. If you haven't already done so, why not join us and get your own Gingerbread House Library card?
  • How Do I Join The Gingerbread House Library?
    Go the desk near the entrance and complete a simple form (all it asks for is your name and some contact details). As soon as you have done this (and offered some proof of your address - such as a driving licence) you will be given a membership card and can start to borrow items from the library. You can have up to 10 books out on loan at any time and each book is loaned to you for a period of 3 weeks. Of course, you can return a book before the 3 week loan period is up: you can also 'renew' you loan for a further period of 3 weeks if you haven't finished with a book after the initial loan period.
  • Do You Have Any Audiobooks, DVD's or CD's That I Can Borrow?"
    Unfortunately, we do not have any Audiobooks, DVD's or CD's in our loan collection.
  • Do You Have any Audiobooks or eBooks That I Can Download?
    We do not have any downloadable digital content. If you need books in either of these formats, we suggest that you might like to join North East Lincolnshire Libraries and you will then be able to access their digital content. You can get more details from any NELC Library.
  • Do You Have Any Books for Children?
    We have a large collection of books for children suitable for all ages from the very youngest to teenagers. The Children's Library section also contains beanbags and sofas so that children can sit and read or parents can read to their children. Children are, at all times, the responsibility of accompanying adults and we expect good standards of behaviour to be shown.
  • Do You Have A Non-Fiction Section?
    We do have a non-fiction section: we actually have two - one for children and one for adults. Given the space constraints in the library our non-fiction collections are, however, not as large as we would like. Non-fiction titles are shelved according to the Dewey Decimal Classification. If you require help in finding a particular topic, please ask one of the members of staff.
  • I Have Some Books That I No Longer Want or Need or Have Space For. Would You be Interested in Them?
    Unfortunately, due to limited space, we are only able to accept recent fiction titles which are in excellent condition (and of which we don't already have a copy): we cannot accept non-fiction titles. If you have a large number of books that you wish to dispose of, why not consider one of the many charities who would be delighted to accept your donation? A particular favourite of ours is the St. Barnabas Hospice Bookshop in Louth. Click on the image below to find this bookshop on Google maps.
  • Do You Have Any Computers That Members of the Public Can Use?
    Sorry, because of the lack of available space, we don't have any computers for public use. If you need to use a computer, you might like to visit Cleethorpes Library which has a number of them available for public use.
  • Do You Have a Photocopier?
    We have limited facilities for photocopying. We can photocopy (single sided only) documents up to A4 size but, because the photocopier is behind the issue desk, photocopying must be carried out by a member of staff. We charge 20p per sheet for all photocopies.
  • Do you have any Jigsaw Puzzles that I can borrow?
    We do have a range of over 200 jigsaw puzzles that are free to borrow - although you can borrow only 2 at any one time. There is no charge. Please be aware that most of our jigsaw puzzles (both 1000 piece and 500 piece) are intended for adults: we have very few jigsaw puzzles for children.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have a question for us? Complete the form below and, as long as you give us some contact details, we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Thankyou for getting in touch. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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