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List of ALL Items in the Library

Please note that this page is an example of 'work in progress'!

In an attempt to let you see from home what Books and Puzzles we have in the Library, we have listed them here in a spreadsheet which we will update regularly. However, because there is no direct link between this website and The Gingerbread House Library system (putting that online, whilst technically possible is prohibitively expensive) we are unable to show whether a particular book or puzzle is currently out on loan or should be available on our shelves.


Clicking on the arrow to the right of the columns labels (A, B, etc.) will allow you to sort the whole table by Title, Author (annoyingly, we have a large number of items for which the author has not been recorded on our system: something for us to work on!) , etc. 


Finding a particular item can be more challenging. To do this,

  • press the CTRL key and the F key together (or, for a Mac the CMD key and the F key). This will open a small Find box at the top right part of the sheet.

  • Enter what you want to search for.


To the right of the search box, the system will tell you how many times the thing that you're looking for appears in the list (e.g. it might say, for example, 1 of 13) and the first occurrence will be highlighted (you may need to scroll down the list to see it).


Pressing the up and down arrows beside the box will move you up and down the list to show the other occurrences of your requested item. Finally, clicking on the X to the right of the Find box will clear the search.


Please note that the very newest items in our collection may not instantly appear in the list: we'll update as regularly as we can. The date of the last version shown can be seen at the top of the list: it will say 'All Library' followed by the date.

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